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Version: 25.03


The following describes the standards for implementation of the Connector Kit. They detail the necessary functionality of as well as the expected communication with a Connector.

Dataspace Protocol (DSP)

The core specification for the Connector Kit is the Dataspace Protocol (DSP), which can be found here. This specification is supplied by the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA).

The DSP provides the core specifications for exchanges between connectors, including a split between a layer managing contracts and policies and a layer managing the actual data. In the reference implementation, these are the management plane and the data plane.

IMG: DSP Diagram

Identity and Trust Protocol (IATP)

In Catena-X, the interaction between the wallets holding a participant's identity credentials and the connector is specified by the IATP. This protocol is currently under development with the Eclipse-Tractusx community and will find its way into the IDSA and international standardization bodies.

Catena X Standard Library

The other guiding documentation is the Catena X Standard Library. In particular, Dataspace Connectivity CX-0018 describes a Dataspace Connector.


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